Submit your new pages to Bing and Yandex

    In order to successfully submit your pages, you need to generate your unique API key and publish it to the root directory of your server.

    Go to and generate your key. Then copy and paste it to the form.

    XML Sitemap URLPaste your URLs

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    Notify search engines about your fresh content so it will be indexed faster. Under the hood, we’re using the IndexNow protocol; if you want to read more, please take a look at the official announcement.


    This is a 1.0 version of the tool. In future releases, we’re planning to implement:

    • checking for indexing delays,

    • new URL detection,

    • integration with Google’s Indexing API (once it becomes available).


    To submit your URLs, you can:

    • type a list of URLs in the form above, or

    • paste a link to a sitemap file.


    Important: If you’ve chosen the sitemap mode, make sure our crawler can access your site. If you’re running into issues, you can whitelist our UserAgent: IndexNow ZipTie Bot.


    To successfully submit your pages, generate your unique API key and host it on the root directory in a .txt file. Using, you can generate your own key. Copy and paste the generated API key to the form.


    We’re part of ZipTie, an indexing intelligence platform. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us